[Array] Inhalt -> Fehlersuche * Häufige Fragen Windows Ich kann die rocrail.ini, plan.xml und/oder trace-Dateien nicht finden. Das ist so, weil Windows standardmäßig die Datei-Endungen versteckt....
View Articledccpp:dccpp-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> DCC++ * DCC++ Array Array Introduction DCC++ is a Command Station based on the Arduino UNO/Mega and the Motor Shield. * The DCC refresh stack size is...
View Articledccpp:dccpp-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> DCC++ * DCC++ Array Array Einführung DCC++ ist eine auf dem Arduino UNO/Mega und dem Motor-Shield basierende Zentrale. * Die “DCC refresh stack”-Größe ist 12...
View Articlerocgui-menu-fr - Update
[Array][Array] Sommaire -> Rocview -> Général * Menu | Configuration | Onglet Locomotives | Raccourcis | Statut de la commande numérique | Utilisation de plusieurs interfaces graphiques pour la...
View Articlefaq-fr - Update
[Array] Sommaire -> Dépannage * FAQ Windows Je ne peux pas trouver les fichiers rocrail.ini, plan.xml et/ou trace. C'est parce ce que Windows cache les extensions de fichier connu par défaut....
View Articlephilips:hue-conf-fr - Update
[Array][Array] Sommaire -> Rocview -> Programmation -> Décodeurs Stationnaires * Installation HUE | HUE Configuration Bridge Tous les champs texte qui sont marqués avec un @ peuvent ouvrir le...
View Articleredtrain:rhflyer:blueprint-de
<- zurück - back Idee und Ambition - Idea and Ambition * H0 Anlage mit verschiedenen Schweizer Meterspur-Gebirgsbahnen mit Elementen der Harzer Schmalspurbahn in Deutschland H0 Layout based on Swiss...
View Articleenglish
[Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] The Rocrail documentation is kept up to the daily state of development (Nightly Build). This Wiki is maintained against the main...
View Articlegoldenrules-en
[Array] Content -> Getting Started This page is meant as advice to keep in mind before proceeding. Track plan (CTC) * Keep the track plan design simple and schematically and leave out all...
View Articletrack-diagram-en
[Array] Content -> Rocview -> Track Layout * Create/modify a track layout | Mouse Control * The Undo dialog | Select | Track layout elements | Tracks | Turnouts | Text/Image Best practice for...
View Articleanalyzer-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Rocrail Server * Track plan analyser * Rocrail setup dialog Features * Analyse the track plan and create all possible routes automatically. * Sets the routes field in...
View Articlebefore-en
[Array] Content -> Getting Started * Before You Start | Quick Guide Before you try to use Rocrail to control your layout, you must understand some basic principles and make sure your layout is ready...
View Articletracefilter-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Rocview * Trace filter Menu location: Rocview->Help->Trace Introduction With this dialog Rocrail server trace files can be loaded and filtered to find out some...
View Articleredtrain:rhflyer:stage1-de
<- zurück - back Umfang und Ziel - Extent and Goal * Die 1. Etappe entspricht diesen Grundsätzen und ist zugleich ein Anlagebau-Lernstück Stage 1 adheres to the stated principles and is at the same...
View Articleredtrain:whoami-de
<- zurück - back Zur Person - Personal Info Forum: RedTrain Name Carlo Ritter Around since July 30, 1955 Motto Carpe Diem Citizen of Switzerland Living in Zürich, Schweiz Wie kam ich zur Modellbahn?...
View Articletracefilter-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Rocview * Trace-Filter Menü: Hilfe -> Trace... Einführung Mit diesem Dialog können Server-Trace-Dateien (rocrail.xxx.trc) geladen und gefiltert werden, um einige Probleme...
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