france - Update
[Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] La documentation Rocrail est maintenu quotidiennement selon l'état de développement de la (Compilation Nocturne). Ce Wiki est...
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[Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] The Rocrail documentation is kept up to the daily state of development (Nightly Build). This Wiki is maintained against the main...
View Articleloc-details-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Objects -> Locomotives * Index | General | Interface | Details | Functions | Consist | CV's | BBT | SBT | Calibrate LocDialog Details Tab. Block wait time This time is...
View Articleloc-details-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Lokomotiven * Übersicht | Allgemein | Schnittstelle | Einzelheiten | Funktionen | Mehrfachtraktion | CV | BBT | SBT | Kalibrieren Lok-Dialog Registerkarte...
View Articledccpp:dccpp-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> DCC++ * DCC++ Array Introduction DCC++ is a Command Station based on the Arduino UNO/Mega and the Motor Shield. * The DCC refresh stack size is 12...
View Articlecontrollers-en
[Array] Library FADA¹ PADA² Controller(s) Description Status PT³ PoM³ Functions manually sensor release Manu Support RailCom barjut N N BarJuT Barcode Detection Barcode Dectection from EJuRaT tested -...
View Articleswitch-int-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Weichen * Übersicht | Allgemein | Schnittstelle | Verkabelung | Steuerung | Herzstück | Gleistreiber | Menü Weichen-Dialog Registerkarte 'Schnittstelle'...
View Articledinamo-om32-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> Dinamo * RM-H, RM-U | OM32/OC32 | MCC Car System | DTC | OM32 OC32 PM32 RM-H/U Library: dinamo Indirekt durch die Dinamo-Schnittstelle gesteuert. *...
View Articlett-multiport-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Drehscheibe * Übersicht | Allgemein | Schnittstelle | MultiPort | Gleise | Gleistreiber | Einstellungen | Menü | Schiebebühnen-Einstellungen Einstellungen der...
View Articleseltab-int-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Fiddle Yard * Allgemein | Schnittstelle | Gleise | Fahrstraßen | Anleitung Fiddle-Yard-Dialog Registerkarte 'Schnittstelle' Schnittstellenkennung Wenn der...
View Articlecan-gc6-de
[Array] Inhalt -> Hardware -> CANBUS * CAN-GC-Übersicht * CAN-GC1 | CAN-GC1e | CAN-GCLN | CAN-GC2 | CAN-GC3 | CAN-GC4 | CAN-GC5 | CAN-GC6 | CAN-GC7 | CAN-GC8 * Firmware 4-Kanal-Servo-Steuerung...
View Articleswitch-int-fr - Update
[Array] Interface de réglages des aiguillages. General | Interface | Cablage Menu d'interface aiguillage. Interface ID If you have more than one Command Station you can use this field to link this...
View Articlerocnet:rocnetnode-setup-fr - Update
[Array][Array][Array] Sommaire -> Centrales numériques -> RocNet * Protocole RocNet | RocNetNode * Installation de RocNetNode | Configuration RocNetNode | Paquet d'installation * GCA-Pi01 |...
View Articleswitch-wiring-fr - Update
[Array] Setup optional sensors for detecting the current state of the switch. General | Interface | Wiring SwitchDialog Wiring Tab. You can connect up to four sensors to the switch. The second pair is...
View Articleroundtable-2016-11-de
[Array] * Userdays & Events Martinstraße 45a, Langenfeld (Rheinland) Wann und wo Datum Samstag, 27. Februar 2016 Uhrzeit ab 14:00 Uhr Adresse Martinstraße 45a, Langenfeld (Rheinland), Ist ca. 7 km...
View Articledccpp:dccpp-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> DCC++ * DCC++ Array Array Einführung DCC++ ist eine auf dem Arduino UNO/Mega und dem Motor-Shield basierende Zentrale. * Die “DCC refresh stack”-Größe ist 12...
View Articlerocrailini-cmdmapping-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Rocrail Server -> Configuration * General | Trace | Service | Automatic | Controller | R2Rnet | Analyser | RocWeb | Finder | Command Mapping Introduction Mapping switch...
View Articlegca:gca-index-en
[Array][Array][Array] CAN-GCx, GCAxx and GCA-PIxx pcboards and complete sets. In cooperation with the Rocrail team, Peter Giling developed units, which are easy to construct. On this page you will find...
View Articlerocrailini-cmdmapping-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Rocrail-Server -> Konfiguration * Allgemein | Trace | Dienste | Automatik | Zentrale | R2Rnet | Gleisplan-Analyser | RocWeb | Finder | Befehls-Zuordnung Dieser Dialog ist...
View Articledccpp:dccpp-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> DCC++ * DCC++ Array Array Introduction DCC++ is a Command Station based on the Arduino UNO/Mega and the Motor Shield. * The DCC refresh stack size is...
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