[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> Dinamo * RM-H, RM-U | OM32/OC32 | MCC Car System | DTC Einleitung Dinamo ist ein Gleis-Treiber-System, das für jeden Block eine Steuerung hat, um Analog- u....
View Articlefunctionality-en
Functionality Index This page is an attempt to create an index for some functions in Rocrail. For example: if you have a question about Actions, this page attempts to link all the Action related...
View Articleundo-fr - Update
[Array] Sommaire -> Rocview -> Plan de voies * Créer/modifier un plan de voies * La boite de dialogue Annuler | Sélectionner | Éléments du plan de voies | Voies | Aiguillages | Texte/Image Le...
View Articleselect-fr - Update
[Array] Sommaire -> Rocview -> Dessin du reseau * Créer/modifier un plan de voies * La boite de dialogue Annuler | Sélectionner | Éléments du plan de voies | Voies | Aiguillage | Texte/Image...
View Articlexmlscripting-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Objects -> Actions * Action Setup | Action Control | Action Condition | XML Scripting | Example * Examples: * General | Virtual Sensors | External keyboard | Traffic...
View Articledr5000-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> DigiKeijs * DR5000 The DR5000 Command Station has 4 possible ways to communicate with Rocrail: Setup USB Xpressnet USB * Li-USB LocoNet USB *...
View Articleblock-details-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Objects -> Blocks * Index | General | Signals | Details | Routes | Track Driver | Block permissions | BlockDialog Details Tab. Incline For decoders without motor...
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[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Blöcke * Übersicht | Allgemein | Signale | Einzelheiten | Fahrstraßen | Gleistreiber | Berechtigungen Block-Dialog Registerkarte 'Einzelheiten' Steigung Für...
View Articledr5000-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> DigiKeijs * DR5000 Die DR5000-Zentrale hat 4 mögliche Arten mit Rocrail zu kommunizieren: Einstellungen USB Xpressnet USB * Xpressnet Li-USB LocoNet USB *...
View Articlelbserver-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> Digitrax LocoNet * Command Stations | Interfaces | Devices | Wiring * LocoBuffer | LocoBuffer-RR-CirKits | MS100 | LBServer | UDP LocoBuffer LocoNet...
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[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> Digitrax LocoNet * Zentralen | Schnittstellen | LocoNet-Uhr | Handregler | Transponding | Option Switches | Verkabelung * LocoBuffer | LocoBuffer-RR-CirKits...
View Articlegca:gca-index-en
[Array][Array][Array] CAN-GCx, GCAxx and GCA-PIxx pcboards and complete sets. In cooperation with the Rocrail team, Peter Giling developed units, which are easy to construct. On this page you will find...
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[Array][Array][Array] CAN-GCx-, GCAxxx- und GCA_PIxx Leiterplatten und Komplettbausätze. In Kooperation mit dem Rocrailteam entwickelte Peter Giling Bausteine, die leicht zu bauen sind. Auf dieser...
View Articlegca:gca-index-nl
[Array][Array][Array] Hoe te bestellen met een lijst van gewenste artikelen en aantallen, of gebruik het Bestel formulier. Informatie: * U ontvangt dan een antwoord met daarbij een rekening, die...
View Articlefrance - Update
[Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] [Array] :!: Ce manuel est actuellement en phase de mise à jour. Il ne peut être considéré comme complet :!: :!: Vérifiez la traduction...
View Articletrack-diagram-fr - Update
[Array] Sommaire -> Rocview -> Plan de voies * Créer/modifier un plan de voies | Contrôle par la souris * La boîte de dialogue Annuler | Sélectionner | Éléments du plan de voies | Voies |...
View Articleroute-perm-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Objects -> Routes * Index | General | Speed | Turnouts | Sensors | Permission | Conditions | Wiring :!: Caution in dealing with permissions! Only set when really needed...
View Articledinamo-en
[Array][Array] Content -> Command Stations -> Dinamo * RM-H, RM-U | OM32/OC32/PM32 | MCC Car System | DTC Introduction Dinamo is a track driver system which has a controller for each block to...
View Articleroute-perm-de
[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Objekte -> Fahrstraßen * Übersicht | Allgemein | Geschwindigkeit | Befehle | Rückmelder | Berechtigungen | Bedingungen | Verkabelung Fahrstraßen-Dialog: Karteireiter...
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[Array][Array] Inhalt -> Zentralen -> Dinamo * RM-H, RM-U | OM32/OC32 | MCC Car System | DTC Einleitung Dinamo ist ein Gleis-Treiber-System, das für jeden Block eine Steuerung hat, um Analog- u....
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